Build the perfect view,
for any team.
Jaro dashboards instantly deliver insight to  your team. Curated for appraisal workflow, get your team on track with Jaro Dashboards.
Industry Leaders Choose Jaro

Get a better view of your appraisal desk.

Each Jaro dashboard can be customized for the stage and action of that team or user.

Custom Dashboards
Build and share custom order dashboards that are designed for each user type. QC, new orders, pending inspections and more.
Filter and Share
Filter in or out data that is needed, then let users explore more through the Jaro Dashboard view. Create a space for desk managers to get the answers they need.
QC Flow
Create a dedicated QC dashboard with the ability to cycle through orders and rapidly triage orders for action with our dedicated QC views.
Admin to Team
Create a dashboard for each team, or role and then simply assign these to your users. 

Drag and Drop the Layouts
Update table layouts simply by dragging and dropping them in place.
Simple to build
No technical or code skill required. Use our out of the box templates or craft you own dedicated dashboards when you need customization.
Powerful permissions
You can share what is needed with team members, but hide the broader data set, using our permission sets. Hide set orders, areas, or lenders to comply with client SLAs. Keep the teams separate and client data secure.

Order Lifecycle Dashboards

Dashboards in Jaro can be set to each stage in the order journey and align to team or client needs.

Dashboard Templates

Get up and Running Quickly with Jaro Dashboard templates for typical appraisal views, then customize to your liking and share.

Exceptional Customer Communication

Jaro comes with messaging tools to keep everyone in sync at every stage of an order.
Real time triggers and actions can put certainty into the process for clients.

Keep everyone on the same page from start to finish.

Prediction for Better Customer Outcomes

Jaro ships with an assignment prediction scoring system that lets you know ahead of time how hard it will be to deliver an appraisal.
Called AssignIQ, it takes into account the core data needed to predict the impact on cost, Turn Time and revision likelihood - ahead of time.

Explore Related Jaro Features

Jaro is built for lenders and AMCs to deliver quality appraisal outcomes.

Build better relationships with Jaro.

With customizable panels, automatic assignments, performance management, and scorecarding, JaroDesk helps you streamline your vendor management process and make better, data-driven decisions.

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Automate your workflow at scale.

Take back control of your desk workflow with powerful Jaro automations and control. Build a best-in-class automation toolkit for your appraisal desk with JaroBots.

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Measure the complexity of appraisal assignment.

AssignIQ is a data model that predicts issues ahead of appraisal assignment. Give your clients greater certainty, and reduce price adjustment shock.

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Build a high velocity appraisal  desk with Jaro

1# appraisal platform for lenders, AMCs and staff firms

Frequently Asked Questions

Need to know more?  Book a Demo with us to dive in deeper.
How does the drag-and-drop feature enhance dashboard customization in Jaro?

Jaro's drag-and-drop feature simplifies the customization of dashboards by allowing you to rearrange elements quickly without needing any coding skills. This intuitive interface lets you adapt dashboard layouts to better suit the changing needs of your team, making it easier to monitor and manage the appraisal process effectively.

Can I create a dashboard for quality control processes in Jaro?

Yes, you can create dedicated Quality Control (QC) dashboards in Jaro that allow QC staff to quickly view and triage orders. These dashboards can be customized to include views for escalations, urgent orders, and specific product types, facilitating efficient and effective quality control processes.

How can I ensure data security when using Jaro Dashboards?

Jaro Dashboards are equipped with robust permission settings that help you manage data visibility and ensure compliance with client requirements and industry standards. You can restrict access to sensitive information, ensuring that data security is maintained while still allowing team members to perform their necessary functions.

How are new orders and inspections handled on Jaro Dashboards for operations teams?

The Operations Team Dashboards in Jaro include features for instant views of new orders with key tags and alerts, as well as comprehensive views of scheduled inspections. This helps desk managers and operational staff keep track of all activities and status updates, ensuring timely and accurate management of orders and inspections.

How can I customize a Jaro Dashboard?

Each Jaro Dashboard can be customized to reflect the specific needs of a team or user. You can filter data, adjust layouts through simple drag-and-drop actions, and use out-of-the-box templates or create your own custom dashboards for more specific requirements. No technical skills are required to build and customize these dashboards.

How do permissions work within Jaro Dashboards?

In Jaro, you can set powerful permissions to control what data team members can access. This allows you to share necessary information while securing sensitive data according to client SLAs or internal policies. You can hide specific orders, areas, or lender information to maintain confidentiality and compliance.

What are Jaro Dashboards?

Jaro Dashboards are no-code, customizable views designed specifically for appraisal workflow management. They provide instant insights tailored to different teams or user stages, helping streamline operations and improve efficiency across your organization.

What types of dashboards are available in Jaro?

Jaro offers a variety of dashboard templates, including Operations Team Dashboards for managing new orders and payments, Quality Control Dashboards for processing and triaging orders, and specialized dashboards for monitoring inspections and reviewing urgent orders. Each template is curated to meet the specific workflow needs of appraisal management teams or QC staff.

How can I share a customized dashboard with my team?

After customizing a dashboard in Jaro, you can easily assign it to different users or teams based on their roles. This ensures that every team member has access to the relevant information they need to perform their tasks effectively.

What benefits do the Jaro Dashboards offer for appraisal management?

Jaro Dashboards streamline the appraisal process by providing teams with tailored views that highlight critical information like new orders, payment issues, and inspection statuses. This helps teams manage their workflows more efficiently, prioritize tasks, and address urgent issues promptly, enhancing overall operational effectiveness.

R‍eal Value. Real Fast.

Jaro is the only end-to-end platform for high end lender and AMC workflows.
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